Automatically add tokens to your ActiveRecord models with a Tokenizable concern
Use case
When exposing an API you most likely don’t want your identifier to be incrementing Ids. To solve this problem you can add a unique token
field to your Active Record for identifying your records via the API layer. This brings some more security and removes some unwanted transparency.
First, we generate, a new model that will use the token field.
$ rails generate model Product title description price:decimal token:string:index:null
$ rails db:migrate
Make sure to
the token and setnull: false
Or we choose to add it to an existing model and generate tokens for all records in the database:
$ rails generate migration addTokenToUser token:string:index
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails run User.generate_tokens!
It is recommended to do another migration after this to set token to
null: false
To setup we include the concern in our model et viola!
class Product < ApplicationRecord
include Tokenizable
# Optionally set the token length. Default is 8
token_length 12
Show me the code!
The above magic is achieved by this Tokenizable concern that you can include in your Ruby on Rails projects.
You can also view it on Github
# Add the functionality to add tokens to ActiveRecord models.
# Set `token_length 12` in your model if you want not to use the default after including the conern
# You need a database column that is named `token`
# @author Kieran Klaassen
module Tokenizable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
cattr_accessor :token_length_var
before_create :generate_token
validates_presence_of :token, on: :update
module ClassMethods
# Generate tokens for all records that do not have them.
# To be run in migration or deployment task.
def generate_tokens!
# Find all IDs that need tokenizing
ids = where(token:nil).ids
return if ids.blank?
# Make sure we check against existing tokens to ensure token uniqueness in case Tokenizable is
# used with a column that does not have a unique constraint set up
existing_tokens = pluck(:token).compact
# Generate tokens for every ID. Make sure we have no duplicates
tokens = []
while tokens.length < ids.length
(ids.length - tokens.length).times do
tokens << SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(@token_length_var).downcase
tokens = tokens.uniq - existing_tokens
# Collect all SQL parts for use in a VALUES construct
token_sql_parts = []
ids.each_with_index { |id, i| token_sql_parts << "(#{id}, '#{tokens[i]}')" }
# Generate the SQL
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(<<-sql.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').squish)
WITH tokens(id, token) AS (VALUES #{token_sql_parts.join(',')})
UPDATE #{table_name} tbl
SET token=tokens.token
FROM tokens
# Set the length of the token (in bytes converted to base64) to be generated
# @param [Integer] token_length sets the length of the token to be generated
def token_length(token_length)
self.token_length_var = token_length.to_i
logger.warn "WARN: Redefining token_length from #{token_length_var} to #{token_length}" if token_length_var
fail 'token_length must be a positive number greater than 0' if token_length_var < 1
# Creates a token if not set
def generate_token
self.token = loop do
token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(self.class.token_length_var || DEFAULT_LENGTH).downcase
break token unless self.class.exists?(token: token)